After You Write

Your professor has handed back your test, but before you file it away take a minute and look at it.

Look at the questions you answered correctly. GREAT! You did something that worked. Don’t change.

Look at the questions you did not answer correctly. Let’s take what you did wrong and learn from those mistakes.

Consider these questions for where you went wrong:

Did You Have the Information?

  • Did you have the information needed to answer the question?
  • Was it delivered in class as part of the lecture material?
  • Was it in an assigned reading?
  • The textbook?
  • Check whether you are taking the best notes you can (look at the Note Taking Section for tips on how to do this)
  • Are you keeping up with the readings and textbook chapters? (look at the Time Management and Reading Strategically sections for suggestions on how to improve these skills)

Did You Not Think the Information Important?

  • Perhaps you had the information, but you did not study it
  • Look at the chapter summaries, headings, previews (this is important stuff in your textbook)
  • Anything in bold or italics
  • If your instructor provides PowerPoint slides of lecture material (that stuff is also important)
  • And take note if they take time to write information on the board or deliver it with added emphasis

Did You Study, but Not Retain?

  • Maybe you need to put in more studying time
  • Or adopt a different study strategy (look at the stuff on MEMORY TECHNIQUES)
  • Did you break your study sessions into shorter chunks over more days or did you cram?
  • Remember, your brain needs breaks to digest and build connections between new pieces of information

Do You Understand?

  • It is difficult to learning something when you don’t understand it
  • Reach out to your instructor, a tutor, a classmate
  • Maybe your textbook explains it better?
  • Take initiative, take control of your learning

Check Feedback from Your Instructor

  • Your instructor may provide feedback on your test in the form of comments (especially with long answer and essay questions)
  • Do not ignore these scribbles! They can tell you what you’re doing right and what you’re missing

Check Out Student Services

  • If you still need help… seek it!
  • Visit the fine folks in Student Services (they are there to help you)
  • If you’re unsure where to go, just ask – we are pretty good at pointing you in the right direction


Cuseo, Joseph B, Aaron Thompson, Michele Campagna, Viki Sox Fecas. Thriving in College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2016