Course Registration 2022 Information Session FAQs

What can Academic Advisors help with and when do I contact them?  

Advisors are here to support you through your academic career at St. Thomas University. Their number one focus will be helping when you need advice on which courses to take to meet the requirements of your degree and major. Our Academic Advisors, Alison Belyea and Kelly Hogg, are here to help. You can contact them at  

When to contact Advising:

  • When you have questions about degree requirements (after reading them over in the Academic Calendar to clarify any information that is confusing)  
  • When you are having any trouble with you course selection  
  • If you require a degree audit (after you fill out the Degree Audit Form)  
  • If you need a referral to other resources on campus (Financial Services, Employment and Career Planning etc.). 

To learn more, visit the Advising section of the STU Website   

When do I register for my courses?  

You will register based on the number of potential credit hours completed at the end of the Winter 2022 term.  


  • Students with 84 or more potential credit hours on Friday, March 25 at 8:00 am.
  • Students with 48 or more potential credit hours on Monday, March 28 at 8:00am.  
  • Remaining current students on Tuesday, March 29 at 8:00am.  
  • Incoming first-year students can register on April 26 at 12:00 pm.  

How do I register for my courses? 

To register for courses, you will use WebAdvisor. We have put together helpful information if you are unfamiliar with this process: Important Registration Information

Where can I find out what courses I’ve already taken?

If you log into WebAdvisor and view your unofficial transcript, it will show you a list of courses you have already taken.  

If a class requires a pre-requisite that you don’t have, can you still take it? 

Normally, the pre-requisite is required to take the course; however, an instructor may grant approval by providing the Registrar’s Office with written permission for you to be added to the course.    

Will I be able to take remote courses next year? 

Students should plan for in-person delivery for the 2022-2023 academic year.  

How many classes can I take at UNB/how do I apply for courses at UNB? 

Full-time STU students (9 credit hours or more a semester at STU) may register in a maximum of two UNB courses per semester (6 credit hours) with the approval of the chair of the department and Registrar. This approval is not automatic and is given at the discretion of the Registrar. UNB also reserves the right to limit enrollment, and final registration is determined through their Registrar’s Office.  


Forms will not be processed without the approval of the appropriate department chair or without the student’s signature. UNB courses with no equivalent STU department (e.g. Sciences, Classics, Russian, etc.) can be approved by the Registrar’s Office. STU students taking UNB courses are reminded that the UNB schedule of course additions and withdrawals are in force for any UNB course in which they register. These dates may be different from the STU schedule. All changes to your registration in UNB courses must be approved by the Registrar’s Office.  


Please review the UNB course descriptions found in the current UNB Calendar to ensure you have met all requirements, prerequisites, etc.  


Please email completed forms to: 

Can I take a class at another institution (other than STU or UNB) and have it count toward my degree at STU?  

If you are planning to take a course at a different university and would like it to count toward your STU Bachelor of Arts, you can fill out a Letter of Permission prior to taking the course to have it reviewed and approved for a potential transfer.  
You will need to apply as a visiting student to the institution where you are taking the course and pay tuition to that institution. When your course is complete, it is your responsibility to ensure that an official transcript is sent to STU so that it can be added to your academic record. The credit will transfer to your degree, but not the grade.   

How do I apply to take an extra course?

If you would like to take a course overload in a semester (more than 15 credit hours), you need to fill out an Extra Course Application. Applications will be reviewed during the summer months. Once notified with approval, you can register for your extra class. 


Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar will be your most important resource when determining degree requirements. When looking for your major(s)/minor requirements, please refer to the calendar from the year you started at STU.

General Degree Requirements  

These can be found in Section Two of the Academic Calendar. One area that students are often wondering about is their course distribution requirements (Groups A/B/C/D). These are outlined clearly in Section Two, as well. 



What’s the difference between a major and honours?

Major: A major is required for graduation. You declare your major at the end of your second year. Your major is the area you will focus on and the subject in which you will take the greatest number of courses. Normally, a major consists of 36 credit hours from one department. Each department has different requirements for majors, so it is important to look up your department in the Academic Calendar to read over the particulars for your area(s) of interest. It is possible to major in more than one subject.


Minor: If you have a secondary area of interest, you may consider a minor in the subject. Normally, minors require 18 credit hours. Some departments require specific courses be taken—it's best to check the Academic Calendar for the area(s) you are considering.  


Honours: If you are particularly interested in an area of study or are considering graduate work after your Bachelor of Arts, you may want to consider applying to an honours program in your upper years. Completing honours requires a greater number of courses in one subject than a major—more at the advanced level—and some require a thesis. Students who are interested in honouring in a subject area would speak with the honours advisor in that department to get departmental support and permission.  

Students are able to complete a combination of the above.


As you make your way through your degree and start to find areas of interest, pay close attention to the Academic Calendar and read over your preferred areas of interest. Regularly referencing this will ensure you graduate with the degree you want. 

Do you have to have a minor? 

No. You do need a major. Minors and honours are optional.  

How do I decide on a major?  

We recommend taking a broad range of courses in your first and second years, which will allow you to find a subject area in which you are interested. Once you decide what interests you the most, you would then begin the work of ensuring you are meeting the requirements for a major from that department (by referring to the Academic Calendar) as well as your overall degree requirements. 

How do I know if an honours program is right for me? 

If you are doing very well in your courses, doing an honours degree is a great way to explore your passion and deepen your understanding of a subject. Completing honours also keeps your options open if decide to apply for post-degree graduate studies. To learn more about honouring and to get help deciding if it is right for you, please consult the departmental honours advisor or department chair for more information.  

When do I declare a major?  

You would declare your major right after your second year of study. If you have been accepted into the Bachelor of Social Work, you will not need to declare a major.

How do I declare a major and/or minor? 

Declare your major by emailing the Registrar’s Office at with your name, student number, and subject in which you would like to major and/or minor.



What courses should I take in preparation to do Bachelor of Education?

You should complete your degree with majors and minors in teachable subjects that most interest you. Grades and GPA are a factor for admission—so focusing on an area you are interested in will help ensure that you are doing well in your classes. We also recommend making sure you have enough ‘teachable’ subjects for admission. The teachable requirements (along with all of the other requirements) can be found here. 

What courses should I take in preparation to do Bachelor of Social Work?  

You can apply for our Bachelor of Social Work during your second year of the Bachelor of Arts at STU—once you have completed 60 credit hours of courses.  
There are two prerequisite courses that are required for admission to the program: SCWK-2013 and SCWK-2023. Students who are unable to complete these courses and are applying to the Fall 2022 or Fall 2023 intake will have the option to complete an interview in lieu of the coursework. Applicants for Fall 2024 intake onward, however, will be required to have completed SCWK-2013 and SCWK-2023 and should plan accordingly.



How do I prepare for law school?  

You should begin the process by gathering as much information as possible. Check out the admission criteria for law schools/programs that interest you. We also have resources on campus to help. Our Pre-Law Society and Pre-Law Advisor are available to help answer questions, prepare you for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and lend any advice and expertise they have to ensuring that you are prepared.   

Pre-Law Society: The purpose of this society is to provide students with an interest in pursuing a career in law and/or an interest in attending law school with information, support, and activities pertaining to these interests. This will include information on matters such as Canadian law schools, the LSAT, admission requirements, and alternate career paths pertaining to the Canadian legal system. Activities include movie nights, guest speakers, debates, and practice LSAT.  Contact:  
Pre-Law Advisor: Dr. Karla O’Regan,   

Do I need an honours to apply to graduate programs?

This will depend on the program for which you are applying. We recommend doing some research into graduate programs that interest you and looking into their admissions requirements. Completing honours is not always required, but faculty members in your department will be the best resource for information on this, as they are familiar with graduate programs and have some helpful advice.    

How do I plan for the career I want?  

Our Career Development Advisor, Erin Feicht ( is available to help you navigate your career development process throughout your degree. She can help with building and writing your resume, finding a summer job, and preparing you for a career.  


As you prepare for graduation, please use the Academic Calendar and our Degree Audit Worksheet to go through your courses and ensure that you are meeting degree requirements.   

Can I take more than 120 credit hours?  

You can. When you feel you’ve completed your degree requirements and would like to graduate, you then apply to graduate. You will need a minimum of 120 credit hours; however, if you have taken a few more, you will be fine.  

How do I apply for graduation and when?

Apply for graduation by filling out the appropriate application for the time you plan to graduate (November, March, May, July). The applications will be found here.   
Prior to applying, please fill out the Degree Audit Worksheet to ensure you are meet graduation requirements.   

Is there a fee to apply for graduation?

There is no cost associated with applying to graduate.  

Do I have to graduate within four years?  

You do not have to graduate within four years. Some students take courses through Intersession and Summer Session and graduate before four years, and some stretch their 120 credit hours over more than four years.