UNB International Humanitarian Law Conference — Open to STUdents

The University of New Brunswick International Law Society is hosting a conference titled "The Protection of Vulnerable Populations in Armed Conflict: Discrimination and Persecution Based on Sexuality, Orientation, or Gender Identity," Friday, March 13 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM in the UNB Law Building, Room 2.
The event, which is open to STU students, will explore the role that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) plays in dealing with contemporary challenges to the protection of civilians in situations of armed conflict.
The conference will seek to raise awareness about vulnerable populations in times and areas of armed conflict, focusing on the impact of conflict on protection of members of the LGBTQ+ community and those discriminated against due to their gender or sexual identities or expressions.
Registration is free. Lunch will be provided. The deadline to register is March 9, 2020.
To register or for more info click here.