
Journalism is about finding and telling accurate stories that matter. Since the dawn of mass media, journalists have informed the public and played an essential role in shaping public opinion about world issues. Journalists are often “first responders” to major events, and their stories help people understand the social and political world.  

Journalism at STU 

Our program prepares students to work in all aspects of news and current affairs production. Courses teach a combination of fundamental skills in writing, presentation, and production but also stay ahead of changes in the media landscape to offer classes on podcasting, documentaries, and digital journalism

Dr. Jamie Gillie standing outside next to campus buildings


What makes teaching journalism enjoyable is when students produce great work, and they realize they have the skills to do this outside of the classroom.”


– Dr. Jamie Gillies, Chair of Journalism at STU 

What sets STU’s Journalism Program Apart?  

  • Small, engaging classes that emphasize personal interaction, discussion, and debate.  
  • Ours is the only English-language Journalism program in New Brunswick. 
  • Our faculty includes award-winning journalists who’ve worked—and continue to work—as reporters, producers, and commentators in the professional media. 
  • Each year, STU hosts the Dalton Camp Lecture in Journalism which brings world-renowned journalists to campus. Past lecturers include Nahlah Ayed, Daniel Dale, Stephanie Nolen, Emily Bell, and Nelofer Pazira. 

Where the Study of Journalism can Take You 

Students in Journalism develop advanced skills in writing and editing and learn to present information in a compelling way. They are able to identify issues that others have missed or overlooked and can deliver facts and details in a way that shed light on otherwise complicated situations. Students also earn technical skills in video, photography, sound, and social media platforms.  


This prepares graduates for meaningful careers in fields like: 

  • Print Journalism 
  • Television 
  • Radio 
  • Public Relations 
  • Business 
  • Media and Publishing 
  • Civil Service 

“The small size of the university provided me with easy access to my professors, who were willing to meet with me and provide advice and guidance. I’ve had many professors who are greatly invested in my future and care about my success.” 
Alexandre Silberman, BA ’21, Journalism 
Journalist and recipient of a CBC Donaldson Scholarship (2021) 


Gain Experience and Build Your Resume 

Connect the study of Journalism with professional experience through the STU Internship Program in positions with: 


  • 3+ Corporation 
  • CJPN Radio 90.5 FM 
  • Curling Canada 
  • The Dennis Report 

Journalism is a hands-on, practical field of study. Students will be tasked with pitching stories, collecting interviews for print, television, and radio, editing, and producing their own work.  

Upper year students will have the opportunity to complete an internship with the CBC. Some students have their work broadcast on CBC television, radio, or print channels.  

Many journalism students write for the student newspaper, The Aquinian. 

You might be interested in studying Journalism if… 

  • You are curious, energetic, and expressive  
  • You care about other people, the community you live in, and the state of the world in general 
  • You like to write and tell stories 


Featured Courses 

  • Fundamentals of Effective Writing 
  • Media, Ethics, and the Law 
  • Radio and Podcasting 
  • Commentary Journalism and Public Opinion 

Fields that Enhance Your Learning in Journalism  

Journalists are required to write about diverse topics and issues, and a Liberal Arts education is a great way to acquire a broad base of knowledge that will prepare you to be a reporter. A great place to start is by learning about governments in Political Science and International Relations courses. Other academic fields that go well with Journalism are ones that help you learn about people and the environments in which they live– Sociology, Psychology, Criminology, Anthropology, and History, to name a few.