Grant Williams
BSc (Mount A), BEd (UNB), MEd (UNB), EdD (UMass Amherst)
Associate Profesor
Grant Williams was born and raised in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. He earned a B.Sc. in Physics from Mount Allison University (1988), a B.Ed. in Secondary Science Education (1990) and a M.Ed. in Educational Administration (1995) both from the University of New Brunswick, and a Ed.D. in Mathematics, Science, and Learning Technologies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (2011). Grant spent 21 years working in the public school system in Fredericton, New Brunswick, teaching middle school science, high school physics, and later serving as the district Learning Specialist for K-12 Science and Mathematics. In 2011, Dr. Williams joined the faculty of the School of Education at Saint Thomas University where he teaches courses in secondary science and math methodology, assessment and evaluation, and climate change education. Grant's research focuses on model-based teaching and learning, discussion-centered teaching strategies, and pre-service science teacher education.
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