Racialized Youth Summit

Friday, June 7 - Saturday, June 8, 2024


"Centering Our Voices: Racialized Youth Summit" is a transformative event centered on empowering young voices within the theme of Amplifying Racialized Youth Perspectives through youth-led advocacy.

This summit is dedicated to inspiring and supporting youth to take the lead in advocating for social justice causes that resonate with them. Participants will actively address societal issues, foster inclusive communities, and confront injustice, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future.

The summit extends beyond merely amplifying the perspectives of the youth; it is committed to cultivating leadership skills, fostering inclusivity, and promoting a dynamic approach to addressing global challenges. Participants are encouraged to think locally, act globally, and collaboratively create space for everyone. 


More details to come. 


Please contact: NBracializedyouthsummit@stu.ca 


La rencontre « Centrer nos voix : Sommet sur la jeunesse racialisée » est un événement transformateur centré sur l'autonomisation des voix des jeunes, il a pour thème « Amplifier les perspectives des jeunes racialisés grâce à un plaidoyer mené par les jeunes ». Ce sommet a pour but d'inspirer et d'aider les jeunes à mener la défense des causes de justice sociale qui les touchent. Les participants aborderont notamment les problèmes de société, favoriseront des communautés inclusives et se lèveront contre l'injustice, jouant ainsi un rôle central dans l'élaboration de l'avenir. 


Le sommet va au-delà de la simple amplification des perspectives des jeunes ; il s'engage à cultiver les compétences en leadership, à favoriser l'inclusion et à promouvoir une approche dynamique pour relever les défis mondiaux. Les participants sont encouragés à penser localement, à agir à l’échelle mondiale et à créer de manière collaborative un espace pour tous. 

Educator Sessions

During the Summit, educators will gather for a transformative teacher's focus on empowering educators to better support students in schools. These workshops aim to equip teachers with the tools, resources, and strategies needed to foster inclusive and supportive learning environments.

Through engaging discussions, collaborative activities, and expert-led sessions, teachers will explore topics such as cultural competency, anti-racism education, and building strong relationships with students.

By taking part in these workshops, educators will gain invaluable insights and practical skills to enhance their ability to positively impact the lives of racially diverse youth, fostering a more equitable and inclusive educational experience for all students. 

Educators Session by Joanne Owuor

The upcoming workshop on empowering educators is dedicated to equipping teachers and school staff with the tools and strategies necessary to better support students, with a particular focus on fostering inclusive and equitable learning environments. This comprehensive training session will delve into anti-racism education, providing participants with a deep understanding of systemic racism and its impact on students.  


Educators will learn how to recognize and address their own biases, integrate anti-racist principles into their curricula, and create classroom spaces that celebrate diversity and promote equity. By focusing on these critical areas, the workshop aims to enhance the educational experience for all students, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds.  


Key highlights of the workshop include interactive sessions on developing culturally responsive teaching practices, building stronger relationships with students through empathy and understanding, and implementing strategies to create a supportive and inclusive school culture. Participants will engage in practical exercises and group discussions to explore effective ways to support students’ academic and emotional needs. Additionally, the workshop will provide tools for educators to collaborate with families and communities to foster a comprehensive approach to student development.  


By the end of the session, educators will be better equipped to advocate for and implement changes that support the well-being and success of all students, ensuring that every child can thrive in a safe and nurturing educational environment.