Program Structure

Please follow the program structure outlined in the Academic Calendar from your FIRST academic year as a student at St. Thomas University. Find the Academic Calendars HERE. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor. 

Note: PSYC 1013 and 1023 Introduction to Psychology are normally prerequisites for all other Psychology courses.

Minor in Psychology

Students who wish to obtain a Minor in Psychology are required to complete PSYC 1013 & 1023 Introduction to Psychology, and 12 additional credit hours in Psychology.

Major in Psychology

1. Specific requirements:

i. A minimum of 36 credit hours in Psychology is required for a major

ii. PSYC 1013 and 1023

iii. PSYC 2013 and 2023 - both must be taken in 2nd year

iv. at least two 3 credit-hour Psychology courses at the 3000 level

v. at least one 4000 level seminar course in Psychology

2. at least 6 credit hours from the following division:

    FUNDAMENTALS Division:
    2013 Introduction to Statistics
    2023 Introduction to Research Methods

    3053 Qualitative Research in Psychology
    3933 Advanced Statistics
    3943 Advanced Research

    3953 Quantitative Methods
    3963 History of Psychology
    4963 Seminar in the History of Psychology

3. at least 3 credit hours from each of the following divisions:

    BIOLOGICAL Division:
    2113 Sensation
    2123 Perception
    2153 Biological Psychology
    2163 Drugs and Behaviour
    2193 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
    3113 Hearing
    3123 Visual Perception
    3153 Advanced Biological Bases of Psychology
    3173 Memory and the Brain
    3423 Motivation and Emotion
    4173 Seminar in Neuropsychology
    4193 Seminar in Cognitive Psychology


    CLINICAL Division:
    2253 Psychology of Personal Growth
    2643 Abnormal Psychology (CRIM 2643; GERO 2643 Adult Psychopathology)
    2653 Abnormal Child Psychology
    2663 Dangerous Offenders: Assessment and Intervention (CRIM 2663)
    3223 Health Psychology
    3613 Models of Psychotherapy with Adults

    3713 Madness and Medicine
    3813 Psychological Testing and Assessment
    4433 Seminar in Women and Mental Health (GEND 4433)
    4453 Seminar in Stress and Health
    4513 Seminar in Popular Psychology

    2613 Physical and Emotional Development
    2623 Cognitive and Social Development
    2673 Adult Development and Aging (GERO 2673)
    3623 Adolescent Development
    3633 Children, Adolescents, and the Media
    3733 Developmental Psycholinguistics
    4623 Seminar in Developmental Psychology

    2213 Principles of Learning

    2233 Introduction to Psychology and the Lawling
    2263 Cognitive Psychology
    2683 Psychology of Music
    3213 Behaviour Modification
    3273 Human Memory
    4213 Seminar in Behaviour Management

    4223 Seminar in Psychology and the Law
    4243 Seminar in Behaviour Psychology
    4263 Seminar in Cognitive Psychology

    2183 Human Sexuality
    2313 Personality Psychology
    2413 Social Psychology (CRIM 2413)
    2443 Environmental Psychology

    3183 Sexuality and Diversity (GEND)
    3413 Advanced Social Psychology

    3443 Psychology of Human-Nature Connection
    3533 Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    4183 Seminar in Sexuality (GEND)   

    4253 Seminar in Psychology, the Internet and the Digital World
    4313 Seminar in Personality
    4323 Seminar in Romantic Relationships
    4413 Seminar in Prejudice and Discrimination
    4423 Seminar in Social Psychology
    4443 Seminar in Environmental Psychology
    4483 Seminar in the Psychology of Women
    4493 Seminar in the Psychology of Men and Masculinity
    4533 Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

4. The remaining credits can be taken from any of the courses offered by the Department including the following list:

    2823, 2833, 2843 Special Topics
    3823, 3833, 3843 Special Topics
    4823, 4833, 4843 Special Topics: Seminar
    4883 Independent Study

Honours in Psychology

Students who are interested in pursuing graduate study in Psychology are advised to complete the Honours BA program. This program provides greater breadth and depth in the substantive and methodological areas of Psychology. Although not a requisite for advanced study in Psychology, many universities strongly recommend the completion of an Honours degree and Honours thesis as an important part of preparation for graduate study in Psychology. In addition to meeting the general norms of the University for an Honours degree, students who wish to take the Honours BA program in Psychology must meet specific regulations of the Psychology Department.

The Department of Psychology offers courses leading to the BA (Honours) degree. Faculty can provide expertise in the substantive areas of cognition, neuropsychology, history of psychology, human development, child development, social psychology, social cognition, clinical psychology, personality, quantitative and qualitative methods, and psychometrics.

1. Admission to Honours

Students who wish to complete an Honours degree in Psychology normally apply to the Department Chair by January 31 of the academic year before one plans to begin the Honours program. At this time, students apply, in writing, describing their probable area of focus for the Honours thesis project. Usually, students accepted to the Psychology Honours program will have a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher for the last 60 credit hours (in all courses, including those taken in the Winter term in which they are applying). Given the workload of the Honours Program, students with a cumulative GPA lower than 3.7 are encouraged to seek the advice of the Department Chair before applying.

Successful applicants will normally meet the following criteria:

a. completion of PSYC 1013 and PSYC 1023 (or their equivalents);

b. completion of PSYC 2013 and PSYC 2023 (or their equivalents), with a minimum grade of B and no grade lower than a C+ in any Psychology course;

c. completion of PSYC 3933 and PSYC 3943 (or their equivalents), with a minimum grade of A- and no grade lower than a C+ in any Psychology course;

d. indication of interest in pursuing a research-based graduate degree, or a career involving research skills, following graduation from St. Thomas University;

e. indication that two or more full-time faculty members in the Psychology Department have expressed interest in supervising the student in a thesis project.

Important: Students planning to apply to the Honours Program must discuss a course plan that adequately prepares them for the Honours thesis, and subsequent career goals, as early as possible in their program, with either the Department Chair or some other full-time faculty member.

2. Sequence of Activities for Prospective Honours Students

i. Initial interview with full-time faculty members (in the Fall term or in January).

ii. Letter to the Chair of Psychology by January 31st of the academic year before one plans to begin the Honours program, expressing interest in the Honours program. This letter should include: a) a description of your reasons for pursuing an Honours degree and your general areas of interest, b) indication that two or more full-time faculty members in the Psychology Department have expressed interest in supervising you in a thesis project, and c) a summer contact address and telephone number.

iii. Notification of acceptance into the Honours Program will occur in the late Spring or early Summer. This notification will include the name of your Thesis Supervisor. On receiving the notification, students should contact their supervisor as soon as possible.

Important note: Some graduate programs require students to write the GRE (General and/or subject test). It is recommended that students consider writing the GRE (General Test) in the summer before their last academic year and the subject GRE (if required) in the fall of their last academic year.

3. Thesis

Students admitted to the Honours program are required to complete an Honours Thesis. Honours Thesis is an independent research project undertaken in collaboration with a full-time Faculty Member who serves as Thesis Supervisor. Topic for Honours Thesis is developed in consultation with the Faculty Supervisor, and the research may employ quantitative and/or qualitative methods. Honours students are required to present orally their completed thesis in Thesis Departmental colloquium. Thesis colloquium is typically held in April (exact dates vary from year to year).

4. Program Requirements

A. Specific requirements:

i. a minimum of 54 credit hours in Psychology

ii. PSYC 1013 and PYSC 1023

iii. PSYC 2013 and 2023 (must both be taken before PSYC 3933 and PSYC 3943 and it is strongly recommended to be taken in 2nd year)

iv. PSYC 3933 (Advanced Statistics)

v. PSYC 3943 (Advanced Research)

vi. PSYC 3963 (History of Psychology)

vii. PSYC 4996 (Honours Thesis)

viii. at least one additional 3 credit hour Psychology course at the 3000 level

ix. at least one additional 3 credit hour Psychology course at the 4000 level (in addition to the Honours Thesis)

B. At least 15 credit hours from the FUNDAMENTALS Division

C. At least 3 credit hours from each of the following divisions as outlined in the Major section:

    BIOLOGICAL Division
    CLINICAL Division

Note: See the Major section for list of courses under each division

D. The remaining credits can be taken from any of the courses offered by the Department including the following list:

    2823, 2833, 2843 Special Topics
    3823, 3833, 3843 Special Topics
    4823, 4833, 4843 Special Topics: Seminar
    4883 Independent Study

5. Degree Requirements

To be awarded the Honours degree in Psychology upon graduation, students must meet the following requirements:

i. The program must include 54 credit hours in Psychology, and normally not more than 60 credit hours, including those specific course requirements outlined above.

ii. In addition to grade requirements for admission to the Honours Program (students usually have a GPA of 3.7 or higher), students must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 (B) in all Psychology courses taken, normally with no grade lower than C+ in any Psychology course.

Student Information

SONA Participant Instructions (PDF)

Department of Psychology - Psychology Research Information System