
Please note that not every course listed is offered each year and students should consult STU Self Service for current course offerings.


PSYC-1013. Introduction to Psychology I

This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.

PSYC-1023. Introduction to Psychology II

This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, developmental psychology, intelligence and creativity, personality, abnormal behaviour and therapy, social psychology, and applied topics.

PSYC-2013. Introduction to Statistics

This course focuses on statistics used by psychologists to describe and analyze research data. Course content will include a comprehensive coverage of descriptive statistics and an introduction to inferential statistics and hypothesis testing procedures. Students must take 2013 in their second year.

PSYC-2023. Introduction to Research Methods

This course focuses on methods used by psychologists to conduct research. Course content will include comprehensive coverage of the scientific method, the logic of experimental design, ethics, and report writing. In addition, students will be required to write research papers and may be asked to design and/or conduct their own research projects. Students must take 2023 in their second year.

PSYC-2113. Sensation

An introduction to the study of sensation. The emphasis will be on vision and hearing. The course will begin with an examination of the stimuli and the structure and function of the receptors. Other topics will include the psychophysical methods, sensory scaling, and a survey of data on several senses. These topics can be varied to suit the interests of the students.

PSYC-2123. Perception

An introduction to the study of human perception. Emphasis is on vision, but non-visual perception such as hearing and multi-sensory integration are also discussed. Topics may include the perception of objects, colour, space, scenes, and motion, as well as factors affecting perception such as attention and learning. Topics can be selected to meet the interests of the class.

PSYC-2153. Biological Psychology

This course provides a general introduction to the biology of the nervous system, and to the relationship between the nervous system and behaviour. Topics covered may include basic neuroscience, disorders of the nervous system, and selected core topics from biological psychology, such as sleep, memory, autonomic function, sensory systems, consciousness, and motor function.

PSYC-2163. Drugs and Behaviour

This course will examine the measurable effects of drugs on naturally occurring and experimentally-controlled behaviour. Drug action will be evaluated based on its effects on the nervous system and behaviour. Social issues of drug use, such as addiction and legalization, will be covered. The mechanisms involved in psychotherapeutic uses of drugs, including their immediate and long-term effects, will also be reviewed.

PSYC-2183. Human Sexuality

The course surveys topics in human sexuality that have attracted the attention of researchers and theorists from many different areas of psychology. Fundamental questions concerning the nature, development, and expression of human sexuality will be addressed along with specific issues of contemporary concern.

PSYC-2193. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

This course introduces students to the exciting field of cognitive neuroscience, the study of the relationship between the brain and cognitive processes. Topics covered will include the basics of brain function and neuroimaging, and a variety of topics such as the neural bases of memory, decision-making, attention, language, executive function, consciousness, and disorders of those processes. Prerequisites: PSYC 1013 and 1023.

PSYC-2213. Principles of Learning

An introduction to the principles of respondent and operant conditioning. In addition to the basic learning paradigms, various conditioning phenomena such as reinforcement schedules, generalization, discrimination, stimulus control, positive reinforcement, and aversive control will be studied with reference to human and animal research.

PSYC-2253. Psychology of Personal Growth

This course is concerned with the growth and development of a healthy person. Topics to be covered may include concepts of identity, authenticity, self-awareness, and happiness. Students will be encouraged to use psychological theory to develop a deeper understanding of themselves as healthy persons.

PSYC-2263. Cognitive Psychology

This course will introduce students to current theories of human mental processes and the methods used to study them. Topics may include attention, memory, language comprehension and production, concepts, imagery, judgment, decision-making, and problem solving.

PSYC-2313. Personality Psychology

Introduction to the nature, study, and conceptualization of personality. Historical and contemporary theoretical perspectives of personality will be critically examined, and applications will be discussed.

PSYC-2413. Social Psychology (CRIM 2413)

This course will review a variety of topics within social psychology including social cognition and social perception, attitudes and attitude change, understanding the self, interpersonal attraction, persuasion, conformity, prejudice, aggression, and altruism.

PSYC-2443. Environmental Psychology (ENVS 2443)

This course will provide an introduction to the broad area of environmental psychology. In addition to covering the psychology of climate change, action, and sustainability, this course will survey such topics as the built and natural environments, environmental perception and cognition, personality and the environment, personal space and crowding, place attachment, as well as residential and urban environmental psychology.

PSYC-2613. Physical and Emotional Development

This course will cover various aspects of development including prenatal development, physical development from birth through puberty, motor development, emotional development, and the development of a sense of self and identity.

PSYC-2623. Cognitive and Social Development

This course will cover age-related changes in language and cognition as well as the development of gender roles and schemas, moral development, peer relations, and the influence of such factors as families and the media.

PSYC-2643. Abnormal Psychology (CRIM 2643/ GERO 2643 Adult Psychopathology)

This course examines issues in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common psychological disorders in adulthood. Students are introduced to the history of psychopathology, from primitive to modern times, which traces the development of biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, and sociocultural models of abnormality. Possible topics include: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and personality disorders.

PSYC-2653. Abnormal Child Psychology

This course examines issues in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence, with a primary focus on children. Following a consideration of different psychological approaches to etiology and treatment, the course examines a broad range of psychological problems. Topics may include mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders, conduct problems, and child abuse and neglect.

PSYC-2823. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

PSYC-2833. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

PSYC-2843. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

PSYC-3053. Qualitative Research in Psychology

This course explores ways of generating knowledge in psychology through the interpretation of talk and text. Whereas much research in psychology is rooted in quantitative methods (e.g., involving statistics), this course explores ways of developing knowledge using qualitative methods (e.g., involving interviews or focus groups). Through this course, students will gain hands-on training in asking research questions, developing interview guides, conducting research interviews, and analysis according to three traditions: thematic analysis, grounded theory, and discourse analysis. Psyc 2023 or permission of instructor.

PSYC-3113. Hearing

This course will examine the many facets of hearing. The purpose is to expand upon some of the topics covered in PSYC 2113 (Sensation). Topics may include mapping the auditory cortical fields, the coding of sound, and plasticity, learning, and cognition. Prerequisites: PSYC 2023 & 2113, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3123. Visual Perception

This course examines the many facets of visual perception. The purpose is to expand upon some of the topics covered in Sensation and Perception with an emphasis on key theoretical approaches and empirical studies. Topics may include vision for perception, action, and social interactions. Prerequisites: PSYC 2023 and one of the following: 2113, 2123, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3153. Advanced Biological Psychology

This course examines the nervous system in greater detail than 2153. Examining discoveries from cutting-edge research will be a major focus of the course. Topics covered may vary from term to term, and may include selected topics from biological psychology, such as consciousness, memory, sensation and perception, brain repair and augmentation, brain reading, and evolution of the brain. Prerequisite: PSYC 2153.

PSYC-3173. Memory and the Brain

This course will examine the neural systems underlying memory. Topics covered will include the basic underlying biology, the relationship between biological memory systems and cognitive memory processes, techniques used to study memory systems, and disorders of memory. Neuropsychological case studies and neuroimaging studies will be used to help explain and illuminate general principles. Prerequisites: PSYC 2263 and either 2153 or 2193 (NB: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience). Alternative prerequisites may be accepted with the advance permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3183. Sexuality and Diversity (WSGS)

This course will encourage students to critically examine the diverse factors that contribute to how sexuality is conceptualised and represented. Multiple perspectives, including cultural, psychosocial, and biological, will be considered. Possible topics include sexual orientation, varieties in sexual development and expression, attraction, and psychological perspectives on sex as a commodity. Prerequisites: PSYC 2183.

PSYC-3213. Behaviour Modification

A survey of the application of principles of respondent and operant conditioning derived from laboratory and clinical settings. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural research on the use of these principles in various settings (e.g., home, schools, institutions) will be discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 2213.

PSYC-3223. Health Psychology

This course will review a variety of topics within health psychology, including stress, coping and health, pain, chronic illness, the physician-patient relationship and health care, as well as the impact of various health behaviours such as smoking, drinking, and exercise on health status.

PSYC-3273. Human Memory

This course will examine theories of human memory and information processing with emphasis on contemporary research in the field. Topics to be covered include short-term memory and long-term memory, encoding and retrieval processes, forgetting, implicit memory, amnesia, autobiographical memory, and memory across the lifespan. Prerequisite: PSYC 2263 or permission of instructor.

PSYC-3413. Advanced Social Psychology

This course provides exposure to major current issues in the study of social behaviour. Prerequisite: PSYC 2413.

PSYC-3423. Motivation and Emotion

This course is intended as a general introduction to the properties and determinants of motivated behaviours and emotional states. Topics include physiology of motivational systems (e.g. hunger, thirst), the role of cognition in emotion, and the structure and mechanisms of emotion. Prerequisite: PSYC 2023.

PSYC-3443. Psychology of Human-Nature Connection (ENVS)

This course focuses on examining human connection to nature. The course includes in-class and outdoor experiential learning components. Topics may include: the role of nature in relation to health and psychological well-being, social and community aspects of human-nature interaction, and a critical examination of natureoriented therapeutic approaches. Pre-requisites: PSYC 2023 (Intro to Research Methods)

PSYC-3533. Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (BUSI 3513)

Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology is an area of psychology focused on acquiring and applying knowledge of human behaviour in work contexts. In this course students will be introduced to the theories, methods, findings, and applications of industrial and organizational psychology. A comprehensive list of I/O topics will be covered using lectures, readings, class activities and assignments. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013 and 2023, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3613. Models of Psychotherapy with Adults

A survey of the principles and theories of counselling and psychotherapy, especially as methods of facilitating individual change. Major attention will be given to the various theories and the theoretical behaviour systems on which they are based. Attention will also be given to the goals, techniques, and the philosophy and concepts of each theory. Prerequisite: PSYC 2643.

PSYC-3623. Adolescent Development

A study of the developmental changes which mark human behaviour during the second decade of life. Physiological, intellectual, emotional, and social aspects of these changes will be explored from an ontogenic point of view. Factors affecting assumption's of sex roles will be considered. Prerequisites: PSYC 2613 and 2623 or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3673. Challenges to Adult Development and Aging (GERO 3673)

The course investigates both normal and abnormal influences that pose challenges to the individual and social functioning of middle-aged and older adults. Topics of study include such relatively common events and transitions as menopause, retirement, relocation, loss of spouse, caring for an ailing parent or spouse, as well as such pathological changes as depression, substance abuse, terminal illness, and dementia. Emphasis is placed on changes in response to these influences and on the individual's coping strategies. Prerequisite: PSYC 2673.

PSYC-3733. Developmental Psycholinguistics

This course examines current theories and research on the development of language in children. Topics may include the nature of language, the biological basis of language development, the development of different components of language (phonology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics), language development in special populations, and childhood bilingualism. Prerequisites: PSYC 2613 and 2623, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3813. Psychological Testing and Assessment

This course is intended as a general introduction to psychological testing and assessment. The primary objective is to familiarize students with the main varieties of psychological tests together with the theoretical rationale behind their development. Special attention will be given to evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of assessment procedures. Consideration will be given to ethical questions involved in testing, as well as technical issues in test construction. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013 and 2023.

PSYC-3823. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

PSYC-3933. Advanced Statistics

This course focuses on advanced statistical procedures for analyzing psychological data. Topics covered include analysis of variance, post hoc multiple comparisons, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013 and 2023.

PSYC-3943. Advanced Research

This course is designed to prepare students for writing an honours thesis and for overall participation in the honours programme. The course will focus primarily on the written and presentational aspects of a psychological research project, the peer review process, and on various ethical considerations when conducting a study. Discussion of various experimental and non-experimental methods will be embedded within the primary course content. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, PSYC 2023, and PSYC 3933.

PSYC-3963. History of Psychology

This course is a general introduction to the history of psychology. We will explore some of the intellectual, social, and institutional reasons that psychology emerged when and where it did. Areas to be investigated include Wundt's contributions, functionalism, and behaviourism. Special attention will be given to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, because decisions were made then that affect us even today. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013 and 2023 or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-3973. Introduction to Narrative

Framed around three key approaches to narrative this course will provide students with the basis on which to develop their understanding of narrative and their skills in narrative analysis. The three approaches are: the narrative study of lives; the narrative analysis of texts; and, the analysis of narrative dynamics. Through these approaches students will be introduced to the work of key narrative thinkers. The course, in content and delivery, reflects the inter-disciplinary nature of narrative

PSYC-4173. Seminar in Neuropsychology

This course examines the effects of brain damage on behaviour, with a focus on cognition. Students will examine case studies from the research literature to identify relationships between brain function and behaviour, based on deficits and alterations to behaviour produced by brain damage. Major topics may include the effects of brain damage on memory, perception, decision-making, attention, language, and consciousness. This course will be of particular interest to students considering graduate or professional study in psychology, neuroscience, and allied fields. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2263, one of either 2153 or 2193 (NB: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience) and one of 3153, 3273, 3173 (NB: Memory and the Brain), or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4183. Seminar in Sexuality

This seminar focuses on advanced exploration of the area of human sexuality. The course will critically examine scholarly constructions and representations of sexuality via class discussions and presentations of research in the field of sexuality. Possible topics include sexual identities, sexual pleasure, constructions of sexuality knowledge, and media and sexuality. Prerequisites: PSYC 2023 and 2183, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4193. Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience

This course explores advanced topics and research in cognitive neuroscience. Topics covered may include the neural basis of memory, decision-making, attention, language, executive function, consciousness, and disorders of those processes. Open and unanswered questions in cognitive neuroscience will be explored. This course will also help prepare students considering graduate and/or professional study in psychology, neuroscience, or biomedical fields for future studies. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2263, one of either 2153 or 2193 (NB: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience) and one of 3153, 3273, 3173 (NB: Memory and the Brain), or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4213. Seminar in Behaviour Management

This course deals with the application of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural principles to areas of self-management and client management. The focus will be on applications of behavioural and cognitive- behavioural techniques to improve the quality of life and to manage behaviour. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2023, and 2213, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4243. Seminar in Behaviour Psychology

A detailed examination of the assumptions, theory, and research in behavioural and cognitive behavioural psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013, 2023 and 2213, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4263. Seminar in Cognitive Psychology

Advanced exploration of theoretical and empirical work in one or more areas of cognitive psychology. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2023 and 2263, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4313. Seminar in Personality

Advanced exploration of theoretical and empirical work in one or more areas of personality psychology. Topics of discussion may include: personality across the lifespan, normal versus abnormal personality traits, biological approaches to the study of personality, prediction of stress, and the use of personality in the workplace. Prerequisites: PSYC 2313, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4323. Seminar in Romantic Relationships

This course focuses on the lifecycle of romantic relationships from initial attraction and the development of an attachment, to growth and maintenance of the relationship, to conflict and even dissolution. A social psychology perspective will be adopted, with an emphasis on understanding the basic processes involved in interpersonal relations. Classes will be heavily oriented toward discussing, presenting, and evaluating research in the field. Prerequisites: PSYC 2413 and PSYC 2023.

PSYC-4423. Seminar in Social Psychology

Exploration of theoretical and empirical work in one or more areas of social psychology. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2023, 2413 or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4433. Seminar in Women and Mental Health (WSGS)

This course will review and critically examine the theory and research in the area of women's mental health. Developed from a feminist perspective, this course will explore women's and girls' experiences of mental health and distress, and the ways in which these experiences have been conceptualized in clinical psychology. Topics include gender and the social determinants of health, problems prevalent among women (e.g., depression, eating disorders, personality disorders), and feminist approaches to intervention. Prerequisites: PSYC 2643 or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4443. Seminar: Environmental Psychology (ENVS)

Building upon PSYC 2443 Environmental Psychology, this seminar explores in greater detail the contributions psychology can make to the resolution of a broad range of environmental crises. The course will examine key values, attitudes, and behaviours that would support a sustainable future, and the contributions that psychology can make to the promotion of a sustainable future. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013 and 2023 or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4453. Seminar in Stress and Health

This seminar focuses on an advanced understanding of stress and health. Students will be exposed to the theories, research methods, and findings related to stress, as well as the relationship of stress to health and health behaviour, and coping. Topics may include the measurement of stress and health, as well as academic, workplace and relationship stress. Other topics may be explored. This course will focus on the biopsychosocial aspects of stress and health. Prerequisites: Psychology 2013, 2023, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4513. Seminar in Popular Psychology

This course examines the development and contemporary significance of popular psychology. Topics may include the social origins of popular psychology; such 18th and 19th century psychological movements as mesmerism, phrenology, and spiritualism; and such contemporary forms of popular psychology as self-help books, talk shows, and support groups. Students will be encouraged to evaluate critically the current popularization of psychology and to explore the relationship between popular and academic psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 3963 is recommended prior to taking this course.

PSYC-4623. Seminar in Developmental Psychology

A critical examination of methods used by psychology in its search for the laws which mark human development. A study of topics and issues being investigated in developmental psychology in the cognitive, affective, social, and linguistic domains. Examination of the current views on the construction of gender concepts and roles. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2023, 2613, and PSYC 2623, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4823. Special Topics: Seminar

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students. Prerequisites: PSY 2013 and 2023, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4883. Independent Study

A course of independent study under supervision of the psychology Department which affords the student the opportunity to pursue an in-depth study of an area of interest through special reading or research projects. Arrangements may be made by agreements with members of the staff and approval of the Chair. 6 or 3 credit hours, depending upon the project. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013 and 2023, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC-4996. Honours Thesis

The student will conduct an individual research project with guidance from the Department. Some classes will be held to acquaint Honours candidates with problems in research design. PSYC 2013, 2023, 3933 and 3943 are prerequisites. A minimum grade of B is required in each of these courses.