Dr. Bateman was born in Toronto and has lived in Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Camrose, and now Fredericton. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Calgary. His MA thesis, entitled “The Law and Politics of Human Rights in British Columbia, 1983-1984,” is a study of the law and politics of changes to British Columbia’s human rights legislation. His PhD is from the University of Alberta. His dissertation, “Charter Rights Application Doctrine and the Clash of Constitutionalisms in Canada” is a study of the implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s interpretation of Canadian Charter of Rights provisions setting out the institutions and entities bound by Charter rights.
Dr. Bateman has taught political science at Calgary’s Mount Royal College, Augustana University College in Camrose, Alberta, and has taught at St. Thomas University since 2003, where he has served as Chair of Political Science and as a member of the University’s Great Books Program.