Thomas M.J. Bateman
Dr. Bateman has been a STU faculty member since 2003. His teaching and research interests are in Canadian politics and government, the Canadian Charter of Rights jurisprudence, federalism, and the politics of religion in liberal democracies. He also has an abiding interest in the history of idea and teaches part-time in the University’s Great Books Program. He is co-author of The Canadian Regime: An Introduction to Parliamentary Government in Canada (UTP), now in its seventh edition, and is co-editor of two volumes of leading Supreme Court of Canada decisions (EMP). He has recently written on John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration and is preparing an updated version of a chapter on Presidents and Prime Ministers for the fifth edition of Canada and the United States: Differences that Count, edited by David Thomas and Chris Sands. Dr. Bateman is Coordinator of STU’s Law, Politics, and Society Program and is Director of the New Brunswick Legislative Internship Program.