Publications and Conference Papers
Recent Publications:
2019. “The Federalist Case for Electoral Reform in Canada.” In Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal. Part of the Canada: The State of the Federation series. Edited by E. Goodyear-Grant and K. Hanniman. McGill-Queen's University Press.
Recent Conference Papers:
2018. “Midiendo el (des)acuerdo: un análisis de evaluaciones de la calidad histórica de la democracia chilena.” XIII Congreso Chileno de Ciencia Política. Santiago, Chile, October 24-26.
2017. “Bound to Follow? Explaining Members States’ Commitment to the Inter-American System.” Treaties, Troops and Taxes Workshop on Foreign and Security Policy-Making in Latin America. Instituto de Ciencia Política, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile, October 2-3.
2017. “What Might Electoral Reform Mean for the Future of Canadian Federalism?” Institute of Intergovernmental Relations Conference: The State of the Federation, Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal. Queen’s University, Canada, June 16-17.
2016. “Assessing the Mixed-Member Alternative: Are ‘Extreme’ Electoral Systems More Likely to Investigate Reform?” XII Congreso Chileno de Ciencia Política. Pucón, Chile, October 19-21.