Courses Taught

Human Rights Foundations:

HMRT 1003 Introduction to Human Rights

HMRT 2033 Human Rights Theory and Practice


Human Rights Law:

HMRT 3013 Discrimination and the Law in Canada

HMRT 3113 The Rights Revolution in Canada (Canadian Constitutional Protections of Human Rights)


Human Rights Issues:

HMRT 4043 Special Topics in Human Rights – Political Rights and their Limits


Human Rights Practice:

HMRT 3073 Human Rights Internships

HMRT 3133 Human Rights Advocacy, Activism, and Social Justice


Advanced Methods:

HMRT 3063 Thesis Proposal


Independent Study Supervised:

HMRT 4023 Human Rights Legal Research Methods

HMRT 4023 Comparative Constitutional Protection of Human Rights


Honours Theses Supervised:

Boquin, Valeria. ‘Ethiopia’s Ethnic Conflict: Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity or “Ethnic Cleansing”?’ (2022).


Ruiz, Emma. ‘Where, When, and How to Protect: The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine and the Failure of the International Community to Prevent, End, and Protect Populations from Mass Atrocities’ (2022).


Babcock, Emily. ‘“Je me souviens”: An Analysis of Québec’s Secession Case and its Impact on the Right to Self-Determination of the James Bay Cree’ (2023).


Gunaratnam, Elisha. ‘Why Should the European Union and its Member States be Held Accountable for the Human Rights Abuses That Occur as a Result of Their Refugee Policies?’ (2023).


Elliott, Erin. ‘Is it Lawful to Limit Palestinian Self-Determination Based on the Conduct of Hamas?’ (2024).


McDonald, Jonathan. ‘What Parental Rights? The International and Canadian Protections of the Queer Child’ (expected 2025).