Campus Book Launch: Three Books by Fine Arts Students

2:30 PM
Rotunda (BMH 318)
Three new books reflecting original research and documentation by St. Thomas University Fine Arts students are to be launched on April 8 at 2:30 in the Rotunda (BMH 318).
Paul Fenniak: Things Near and Far - Paintings 1993-2023
The FNAR 1333a Drawing I class interviewed Montreal-based figurative artist Paul Fenniak and, along with the noted arts writer J.F. Martel, developed a 100-page text titled Paul Fenniak: Things Near and Far. Fenniak is represented by the Forum Gallery in New York, at 100 pages this is the most extensive text on his work to date.
Jared Peters: A History
The FNAR 1633a Drawing II class interviewed New Brunswick artist Jared Peters (Dean of the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design) and, along with arts writers Virgil Hammock and Christiana Myers, developed a text titled Jared Peters: a history. Peters is a recipient of numerous grants and awards and was shortlisted for the prestigious RBC Canadian Painting Competition, and his work can be found in private and public collections across Canada. This is the most extensive text on his work to date.
Protection for Animals: The Paintings of Louise Belcourt
The FNAR 2313 painting class interviewed the Canadian/American artist Louise Belcourt and, along with international arts writers Daniel Baird and Anais Castro, developed a 123-page text titled Protection For Animals: the Paintings of Louise Belcourt. Known for elusive, largely abstract paintings, Quebec- and New York-based Belcourt was a Guggenheim Fellow, and her work has been exhibited in the United States, Europe, and Canada. This is the most extensive text on her work to date.