Aditya Rao on Hate Speech and Human Rights in Canada: The Fight Over Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act

February 10, 2022
Aditya Rao on Hate Speech and Human Rights in Canada: The Fight Over Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act


5:30 PM


This winter, the Atlantic Human Rights Centre, St. Thomas University's Department of Human Rights, St. Thomas University's Department of Journalism and Communications, the NB Media Co-op and RAVEN invite the public to the Human Rights & the Media Lecture Series.
We will hear from scholars of the media and law, media makers and grassroots activists on how our media landscape is changing. We will hear about what they are doing to make this media landscape a more safe, just and equal space.

Aditya Rao, a human rights lawyer, will speak on "Hate Speech and Human Rights in Canada: The Fight Over Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act," on Thursday, February 10 at 5:30 pm (Atlantic) by Zoom.


Aditya Rao is a lawyer with a background in human rights, labour, immigration and refugee law. He currently works as a human rights representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and serves on the board of the Atlantic Human Rights Centre.


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