The Nashwaak Review


The Nashwaak Review publishes original poetry, short fiction, travel pieces, essays, articles and reviews. We also reproduce photography and paintings in black and white. Our covers are by living Canadian artists and are reproduced in full colour.

Since our founding in 1994, we have been a venue for new and established artists, reviewers and critics throughout Canada. We list, among our contributors, such luminaries as the late Louis Dudek, David Adams Richards, Karen Connolly, Fred Cogswell, Stephen Heighton, George Elliot Clarke, Ann Copeland and Ken Norris.

Perhaps more importantly we have been an outlet for many promising young writers especially, but not exclusively, from Atlantic Canada. We like to claim that we are slightly different from most small Canadian magazines because of the nature of our travel section and because we accept essays and review books from disciplines other than literature. The Nashwaak Review is published twice yearly with the financial support of St. Thomas University.

You certainly have the best magazine in Canada by far.

–Louis Dudek


Current Issue

The new issue of The Nashwaak Review is now available HERE.


Its editor Professor Stewart Donovan is pleased to have collaborated with the Provincial Archives once more.


“This is the third time in the 25-year life of our magazine that we have collaborated with the Archives,” said Donovan, noting also how relevant and contemporary the theme of migrants to New Brunswick and Canada is at this time.


“Our memories tend to be short term, and most of us need to be reminded that we came to the ‘New World’ as migrants in search of a better life.”




If you would like to order a copy of an issue, please send your cheque or money order made payable to St. Thomas University in the amount of $30.00 (includes shipping and handling), indicating the volume number you wish to purchase, along with your mailing address to:

Rebecca Phillips
The Nashwaak Review
St. Thomas University
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5G3


Submissions must be sent by hard copy as well as electronically as an attachment.

All submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

All submissions will be responded to within 6 months, if you have not heard from us within this time your submission has not been accepted.

We do ask for first Canadian rights.

Stewart Donovan, Editor
The Nashwaak Review
St. Thomas University
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3B 5G3

Phone: 506-452-0426
Fax: 506-450-9615


Stewart Donovan

Managing Editor:
Rebecca Phillips

Editorial Board:
Ken Donovan
Trevor Sawler

The Nashwaak Review
St. Thomas University
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3B 5G3

Phone: 506-452-0614
Fax: 506-450-9615